Laboratories for the synthesis and characterisation of materials for solar reactors and reactors and thermochemical processes, such as the URJC Mechanical Integrity Laboratory (LIM), the laboratory of the group “Spectroscopy and Industrial Catalysis” CSIC, the Laboratory of the High Temperature Process Unit (UPAT) at IMDEA Energy or the CIEMAT Thermal Storage and Solar Fuels Laboratory.
- Laboratory of synthesis and characterisation of materials for reactors and thermochemical storage:
- Specific heat and thermal diffusivity measurement equipment
- TGA, DRX, UV-Vis spectrophotometer.
- LIM Mechanical Integrity Laboratory (327 NetworkLab-
- Sultzer Portable Plasma Projection System
- Test, electromechanical and servo-hydraulic machines, and complementary equipment.
- Hopkinson bars for high deformation rate testing.
- Laboratory of Spectroscopy and Industrial Catalysis for microstructural characterisation (LM, SEM-EDX, TEM, XRD): reference laboratory in Spain for the development of monolithic materials and the industrial-scale implementation of catalytic systems:
- DRX, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, Emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
- Surface area analysis and pore size distribution by gas adsorption, mercury intrusion porosymmetry, chemisortion (NH3H2, ..)
- Experiments at programmed temperature (TPD, TPO, TPR)
- Thermal Storage and Solar Fuels Laboratory:
- Horizontal tubular oven with a maximum operating temperature of 1600°C.
- Thermogravimetric balance and several furnaces and mufflers, which allow controlled heating-cooling cycles.
- Thermo-cline tank with atmospheric air.
- Advanced computer and simulation software and equipment in concentrated solar optics, heat transfer, system analysis for electricity, heat and chemical processes, in UNED, UPM, UC3M and IMDEA Energy groups.
- Matlab, TRNSYS, COMSOL and Tracepro calculation tools (optical analysis) for system analysis.
- Simulation programs such as CFD ANSYS, MFIX, ABACUS and MatLab
- Computer centres with a cluster of 100 cores for parallel programming.
- Laboratory of synthesis and characterisation of materials for reactors and thermochemical storage: